Zine Mockups:
Art Gallery:
I was really excited about this project since we could choose anything we wanted, and I love creating lots of digital feminist illustrations outside of class, so I thought this would be the perfect project to incorporate my own style and interests. I wanted to make a series of illustrations that fit the same theme, so I decided to go with a zine. I really wanted to explore a feminist topic that I could make into a fun, informative and empowering little booklet. When thinking about what to do for the topic, I decided to go with body hair. I think that body hair is something that we as a society do not talk about much, even though everyone has it. When body hair is discussed, it is usually in a way that shames women for having it or shames men for not having enough etc. The idea behind my zine was to normalize all kinds of body hair on everyone no matter their gender identity. I gave each page of the zine it’s own idea that centers around the overall theme of body hair, and I used a bright and colorful color palette to add to the fun and positive feeling that I want the viewer to feel from looking through my zine. I have text in the zine to add a reading element that takes the viewer through the booklet and adds empowering quotes that fit the drawings, and the last image is the back where I included a little profile picture and my little Instagram tag. I made all the drawings in procreate, and then I did try to print it and fold it into a physical zine, but the printer I used distorted the colors and the margins, and it did not come out how I wanted. So until I fix the issues with printing, I made some zine mockup images in photoshop.